
test test


test test

Digital marketing

1. Value proportion for Bigfoot’s Donut personalized donuts: appears delectable and is located in a bustling, crowded city where hundreds of people frequently pass by. At relatively affordable…

Problem 4: 1B-4

Book a dinner reservation Solution(In English) Find out their time of landing. Store it as variable called “landing time”. Find out their place of landing and then store…

Problem 3: 1B-3

Problem: Find an alternate landing time/ location Solution(in English) Find out how much time there trip delayed and stored it as variable called delay time find out how…


https://projects.invisionapp.com/boards/8E446UA4VY3/ Wireframe:-

Project Brief

Big Idea

Design Bigfoot donuts website will offer the user an opportunity to interact with clients through fun and exciting manner. It will be internet enabled and the user will…


Arjun Lovepreet Team Roles Lovepreet: Design and create final prototype, Create written content Arjun: Create Wireframe, Develop and implement and SEO strategy

Collaborative Software

Team communication Slack : searchable log of all communication and knowledge slack is a managing app for professionals use to connect people. this app is flexible as it…